New Delhi: Bibhav Kumar, aide and former personal secretary of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, was arrested by Delhi Police on Saturday in connection with the alleged assault of AAP MP Swati Maliwal. Bibhav Kumar was taken out of the back gate of the Chief Minister’s residence. The development comes two days after Delhi Police registered a case against Kumar following a complaint by Maliwal. In her complaint, Maliwal alleged that Bibhav Kumar slapped her 7–8 times and repeatedly kicked her in her chest and stomach when she went to the Chief Minister’s residence on May 13.
Bibhav Kumar was accused of abusing and beating up Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Swati Maliwal in the drawing room of Delhi CM’s residence. Maliwal in her FIR said that while she waited to meet the Chief Minister on May 13, he barged into the room, pounced on her and thrashed her black and blue.
Kumar, a long-time aide of Arvind Kejriwal, has been taken into custody and is set to be interrogated for the alleged abuse and misbehaviour. Meanwhile, Bibhav has also lodged a complaint with the Civil Lines police station and added that he was ready for the probe into the incident.
On Friday, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) stirred up controversy by releasing a video dated May 13, depicting a heated altercation involving Swati Maliwal at the Chief Minister’s residence. In the video, Maliwal is seen engaging in an argument with security guards, where she can be heard issuing threats of police intervention and challenging the guards to forcibly remove her.
Subsequently, another video emerged showing Maliwal being escorted out of the Delhi Chief Minister’s house by security personnel. AAP has accused Maliwal of staging a drama, alleging that the video contradicts her claims. The party asserted that Maliwal appeared uninjured and without any visible signs of distress, casting doubt on the authenticity of her previous statements.
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