CM Yogi instructed the officials to make strong arrangement at every level for the safety of the people, livestock and wildlife.
Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Friday issued administrative guidelines to tackle the extreme heatwave conditions which have crippled normal life in the state. Extreme temperatures have made the summer of 2024 insufferable for the people. The rise in deaths due to the heat strokes and other heat-related health issues has prompted the state government to take administrative steps to ensure the safety of citizens.
Adityanath instructed the officials to make strong arrangement at every level for the safety of the people, livestock and wildlife.
The Guidelines Issued By UP Government
Guidelines on Electricity Management
The State Government issued a number of guidelines to ensure the safety of the people amid the ongoing heatwave.
- No unnecessary power cuts, neither in the city nor in the rural areas. Moreover, the state government advises its officials to buy additional electricity if necessary.
- Daily bulletin of weather forecast should be issued from the level of Relief Commissioner Office.
- The problems like transformers failure, falling of wire, tripping should be resolved without delay. Officers should attend to the phone, and there should not be any dispute, if such happens then the senior officer should immediately reach the spot himself,
Guidelines on Water Management
CM Yogi emphasised on the importance of water management during this intense heatwave.
- Drinking water should be kept in public places in all municipal bodies/rural areas. The arrangement of drinking water should also be made at various places like markets, playgrounds, and main roads.
- Water should be sprinkled regularly on the roads.
- Supply should be ensured through tankers in the areas most affected by water shortage.
- All hand pumps should be kept functional, and rural pipe drinking water schemes should be operated smoothly.
Guidelines on Livestock and Wildlife Management
CM Yogi also instructed to ensure the safety of livestock and wildlife amid the ongoing heatwave. CM instructed that Heat-wave action plans should be effectively implemented in all zoological parks/sanctuaries.
- There should be proper arrangement of green fodder, bran and water for livestock in cow shelters.
- The CM advised to continue the process of vaccination of animals before the rains.
The general public should be made aware of the symptoms of heat waves and their prevention. Provide immediate medical facilities to everyone in case of illness. People affected by heat waves should be treated immediately in hospitals/medical colleges, he instructed.
(Inputs from ANI)
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