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Breaking News Live Updates, May 24: The mother of the 17-year-old boy who allegedly fatally knocked down two persons with his high-end car has appealed to the police to “protect” her son after a video purportedly featuring him, boasting about how he got away with the accident, went viral. In a video message, the teen’s mother stressed that the clip had nothing to do with her son and that it was fake. “The video which is being circulated is not of my son. That is a fake video. My son is in the detention centre,” says the teen’s mother in her message. Appealing to the police to “protect” her son, the mother breaks down, shows her video message. A rap song purportedly featuring the teenager, boasting about how he got away with the car crash, went viral on social media, but Pune police have clarified that it was a fake account and that the teenager had no role in the video.
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