The BJP leader held three consecutive rallies in Bihar on Tuesday. UP CM held the first and last rally in favor of Ravi Shankar Prasad, Patna Sahib MP and the second one in support of Cabinet Minister R K Singh who is fighting from Arrah.
Patna: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Aditynath Yogi on Tuesday claimed that opposition INDIA bloc wants to bring the country under “Taliban Rule” by imposing “jaziya tax” on the majority population. He also alleged that the Congress wanted to impose a “virasat (inheritance) tax” like “jaziya”, imposed during the times of Aurangzeb on citizens who belonged to other faiths.
“They want to bring in the ‘jaziya’ of Aurangzeb, whose misdeeds make Muslims wary of naming their children after the Mughal ruler. The Congress wants to give the money thus collected to Rohingyas and other infiltrators from Pakistan and Bangladesh”, Adityanath said at a poll rally in Bihar.
The BJP leader held three consecutive rallies in Bihar on Tuesday. UP CM held the first and last rally in favor of Ravi Shankar Prasad, Patna Sahib MP and the second one in support of Cabinet Minister R K Singh who is fighting from Arrah.
“The Congress and the INDIA bloc speak of personal laws. They want to undo what Ravi Shankar Prasad had achieved (as the then Union law minister) by scrapping triple talaq,” he alleged.
He added the opposition alliance wanted to promote “Talibani shasan” in which “women will not have the freedom to go to schools, markets and offices and will be forced to always wear the burqa”.
Talking about the construction of Ram Temple, Yogi said, “Ram bhakts have resolved to build a grand temple of Lord Krishna in Mathura. This is something the Congress and its Bihar ally RJD can never accomplish.”
He also took shots at the opposition on the issue of reservation claiming that the INDIA block wants to take away the reservation meant for the Dalits and OBCs by including Muslims.
“ the country will run as per the Constitution of Babasaheb Ambedkar, which does not provide for quotas on the basis of religion.”
The chief minister also hailed the Calcutta High Court’s judgment of annihilating the OBC status granted to a number of Muslims by the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress.
He also credited Narendra Modi for wiping off terrorism from India. “Now even if a firecracker goes off anywhere in the country, a scared Pakistan comes out with an explanation. It has realised that this is ‘Naya Bharat’ which will not be an aggressor but will not spare if there is any mischief”.
(With PTI inputs)
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