After being elected as the leader of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the residence of Lal Krishna Advani and met him. He also met senior party leader Murli Manohar Joshi at his residence. He took the blessings of the veteran leaders and presented bouquets to them.
New Delhi: After being elected as the leader of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the residence of Lal Krishna Advani and met him. He also met senior party leader Murli Manohar Joshi at his residence. He took the blessings of the veteran leaders and presented bouquets to them.
PM Modi’s meeting with two veteran BJP leaders came ahead of his staking claim to form his third successive government.
The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance has won a third successive majority in the Lok Sabha elections. Earlier in the day, PM Modi was elected Leader of NDA at a meeting of constituents held at ‘Samvidhan Bhavan’
Notably, the NDA leaders will go to Rashtrapati Bhavan to submit their letter to President Draupadi Murmu, supporting PM Modi.
The saffron alliance won thumping 293 seats with the BJP single-handedly winning 240 seats in the Lok Sabha elections.
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