New Delhi: Indian Railways is the primary source of long-distance travel in the country, serving lakhs of passengers daily. These passengers often order meals on the train while enjoying their journey. However, in the past, several posts went viral in which passengers raised concerns about the quality and hygiene of the food. Recently, the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) imposed a fine of Rs 10 lakh on a caterer of the Dehradun Shatabdi train after a passenger complained of finding a plastic wire in the parantha. The IRCTC also deputed an officer to “thoroughly audit the base kitchen.”
The base kitchen has been closed till the inquiry is being conducted. In the statement, the IRCTC stated that the passenger of the Shatabdi express spotted a plastic wire in his ordered parantha. When the passenger raised the issue, the waiter apologised to him and offered a replacement. As per the statement, the quality of the food needed improvement and hand sanitizer and tissues were also not given to the passengers.
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