PM Modi said he was confident that India voted in record numbers to reelect the BJP-led NDA for a third term at the office which he claimed due to his government’s “track record and the manner in which our work has brought about a qualitative change in the lives of the poor.”
Lok Sabha Election 2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanked the electorate for their active participation in the Lok Sabha polls which concluded on Saturday evening as polling ended in the seventh and last phase of general elections.
In his first tweet after returning from a nearly 45-hours long meditation session at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Tamil Nadu, Kanyakumari, Modi thanked the voters for exercising their franchise in the Lok Sabha elections.
“India has voted! A heartfelt thank you to all those who exercised their franchise. Their active participation is the cornerstone of our democracy. Their commitment and dedication ensures that the democratic spirit thrives in our nation,” Modi wrote on his official X handle.
The Prime Minister also hailed ‘Nari Shakti’ and youth of the country for making their presence felt in the elections.
“I would also like to specially appreciate India’s Nari Shakti and Yuva Shakti. Their strong presence at the polls is a very encouraging sign,” he added.
Record number voted to reelect NDA
In another series of tweets, Modi said he was confident that India voted in record numbers to reelect the BJP-led NDA for a third term at the office which he claimed due to his government’s “track record and the manner in which our work has brought about a qualitative change in the lives of the poor, marginalised and downtrodden.”
“At the same time, they have seen how the reforms in India have propelled India to being the fifth largest global economy. Every scheme of ours has reached the intended beneficiaries without any bias or leakage,” the PM asserted.
‘Opportunistic INDI Alliance rejected’
On the eve of Lok Sabha Exit Polls, majority of which have predicted a landslide victory for the ruling dispensation, Modi launched a blistering attack on the INDIA bloc, claiming that the opposition alliance has failed to strike a chord with the voters” because they are “casteist, communal and corrupt”.
“The opportunistic INDI Alliance failed to strike a chord with the voters. They are casteist, communal and corrupt. This alliance, aimed to protect a handful of dynasties, failed to present a futuristic vision for the nation,” he wrote in another tweet.
He claimed the opposition’s campaign was merely focussed on “Modi bashing” but “such egressive politics has been rejected by the people”.
‘NDA karyakartas our strength’
The prime minister also hailed NDA workers for “meticulously explaining” the ruling alliance’s “development agenda” to the voters and motivating them to vote.
“I would like to applaud each and every NDA Karyakarta. Across the length and breadth of India, often braving intense heat. I compliment them for meticulously explaining our development agenda to the people and motivating them to come out and vote. Our Karyakartas are our greatest strength,” he said.
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