Amid the ongoing Lok Sabha Elections 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be filing his nomination from the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat today. Take a look at his full schedule…
New Delhi: The Lok Sabha Elections 2024, which are being conducted in a total of seven phases, is underway with four phases completed and three to go. Amid the ongoing polls, politicians are campaigning for their respective political parties and ahead of every phase, key politicians are also filing their nomination. Today, on May 14, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be filing his nomination from the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh and before the nomination, PM Modi will be offering prayers at the Dashwamedh Ghat, take a dip in River Ganga and also board a cruise ship. The Prime Minister has won from the Varanasi seat twice consecutively, in the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha Elections. Take a look at the complete schedule for PM Modi Lok Sabha Nomination from Varanasi today…
PM Modi Nomination Today: Full Schedule
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