Days after the horrific Gaming Zone Fire Accident in Rajkot, Gujarat, a CCTV footage of the zone, from the time when the fire broke out is being circulated on the internet. The fire accident that took the lives of 33 people, was caused due to fire from welding.
Gujarat Gaming Zone Fire Accident CCTV Footage: In the past few days, multiple fire accidents have been reported across the country and one of the major ones include the Fire in TRP Gaming Zone in Rajkot, Gujarat on May 25, 2024. This deadly Rajkot Fire Accident claimed the lives of 33 people which included nine children who were below the age of 16. The Gujarat Fire Accident has shocked the entire country and a question that has possibly crossed everyone’s minds is who was responsible for this fire and the death of so many innocent people who had just come to enjoy their Saturday evening. Amid the ongoing reports of safety violations at the TRP Gaming Zone and ongoing investigation, a CCTV footage from before the accident has emerged, which clearly shows the reason behind the fire.
What Caused The Rajkot Gaming Zone Fire?
As mentioned earlier, a CCTV footage of the TRP Gaming Zone has appeared on the internet which is from just before the fire broke out and also clearly shows the reason behind the fire. According to the CCTV footage, the fire that claimed 33 lives including those of children and women, broke out because of welding in the extension area of the gaming zone.
Gujarat: CCTV footage of the Rajkot TRP gaming zone fire has emerged. The fire started due to welding in the extension area.
— IANS (@ians_india) May 26, 2024
Watch CCTV Footage Of Gujarat Fire Accident
The one-minute and thirty six-seconds-long CCTV footage starts with a few men trying to extinguish the fire that has started at a low scale. Unfortunately, the fire could not be controlled and in the short video, it can b seen increasing and smoke engulfing the room. The men who were trying to put off the fire are now seen running outside, to save their lives as the room fills with smoke.
Safety Violations Of TRP Gaming Zone
The biggest safety violation at the TRP Gaming Zone was that the centre was functioning without a no-objection certificate (NOC) for fire clearance and also had just one exit. The Rajkot Mayor, Naya Pedhadiya was quoted as saying, “We will investigate how such a big game zone was functioning without a fire NOC and we are witnessing the consequences of it. No politics will be allowed over this issue.”
The possible reason that caused a fire was a short circuit; however, the exact cause will be discovered only after the investigation is complete – an SIT has been formed and a thorough investigation is underway. Apart from the fact that the gaming zone did not have a fire license, it had only one emergency exit which caused excessive panic when the fire broke out, further worsening the situation.